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Silicon Valley, CA
Just a chic geek living life with authenticity and style!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Respect Is More Than Just A Song...

Courtesy of the World Wide Web
 Aretha Franklin will be the first to tell you all about R-E-S-P-E-C-T and we will proudly sing along with her at the top our lungs, just loud enough for our neighbors to wish they could tune us out. Yet most of us will likely have a somewhat diluted insight into what it really means to respect yourself and others. So let's take a quick peek at the good ol' trusty Webster's Dictionary to find out what respect means. "To consider worthy of high regard...a high or special regard...the quality or state of being..." Synonyms include "reference, regard, appreciate, consider, admire."

I don't know about you but I'm no more clearer about what respect means by those definitions than I am about seeing my own reflection in the mud. This singular definition says respect is for those who have somehow earned a certain level of achievement or regard or only reserved for those of high profile and stature. But what about everyone else? What about everyday encounters, everyday interactions between people in the various relationships we maintain? What does respect look like in those situations?

Let me take a step back and give you some background on why this topic of respect. Recently I joined a founding board of a new nonprofit called The Respect Institute headquartered in the Silicon Valley. I gravitated towards this work for several reasons, one of which I have eluded to in a prior posting. The lengths at which children and adults will go to make others feel bad for the sake of popularity, advancement or just sport is heartwrenching and painful to encounter; both as the person being picked on and also as the bystander who wants to do something but is too afraid to step up in fear of becoming another target for the terrorizer(s). In elementary and jr high school, for years I endured being told I was ugly, flat chested, flat nosed, short, and made fun for the clothes I wore because they weren't brand names. Some days I would open my backpack to find the remains of everyone's lunches from the garbage can. Another time someone stole my purse and dumped all its contents all over the girls' bathroom. Once a girl nearly drowned me in a swimming pool and laughed the entire time while I screamed bloody murder for what felt like hours before her older brother heard me and tore out of the house to pull me out. And then there were the non-stop constant crank calls at all hours of the night every night which affected my entire family.

Tell Your Truth. Know You're Valuable. Follow Your Passions. Trust Your Gut. Set Boundaries - Speak Up. Be Compassionate - Listen. Get Help. Spread Respect. These are the Respect Basics principles that The Respect Institute provides to youth, parents, educators, policymakers and organizations through their vision, tools and research. They equip individuals and organziations with the skills necessary to develop self-respect and spread respect to stop bullying, domestic violence, teen pregnancy, and discrimination and to promote healthy relationships, communication, peace and collective collaboration towards a more humane and compassionate society.

So how can you make Respect more than just a song? Make a commitment to live out and explore the Respect Basics in your own life. You can also become a Respect Ambassador and support our work by making a donation: www.therespectinstitute.org

Respect Institute's work matters because children and adults should not be treated any less than with compassion, kindness, care and respect. We need to make this a practice that occurs everyday in every interaction we have with every person we encounter, even with those who do not hold the same values or intentions we do. Hate makes our world a very ugly place but I am certain that respect and compassion will prevail.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Where to Find Your Holiday Dress Online

Courtesy of the World Wide Web
'Tis the season of chaos and mayhem at every retail venue or shopping mall as we get closer and closer to Christmas. The last thing you want to do is to brave the frontier of amateur, angst ridden, stressed out shoppers in order to find a great dress for all these impending holiday parties that have already gone underway. Nor do you want to overpay for a dress you feel might only wear once or twice for a festive occasion (although I hope that you can find different ways to dress it up and down to get the most of of your purchase). If I ever meet the person who came up with the idea of online shopping, I would not only shake their hand, I would kiss him or her on the cheek like I did once when I met Adam Brody in LA. I chalk that up to being spontaneous (I promise it wasn't champagne courage)...and lucky for me he's a very gracious guy.

Alas, I digress. Back to affordable dress shopping online. Here are some of my favorite online websites to buy great dresses without having to take out a personal loan to do so.

Lulu: www.lulus.com
I love this site. Great feminine girly dresses for less than $90 . But don't hesitate or save a dress on your wishlist too long...their inventory moves fast!

Asos: www.asos.com
Amazing UK shopping site with the latest trends from the other side of the pond. I love not only the dresses but also the accessories! The size and price search option also makes it super easy to pick up what works best for your body and budget.

Forever21: www.forever21.com
When it comes to finding something "in the moment" and affordable, F21 is my go-to online site. Shipping is free if you spend more than $75 and trust me, its easy to find at least a few items to make that happen. You can literally dress yourself H2T for under $80. What a sweet treat!

ModCloth: www.modcloth.com
This site has been around for awhile and has become one of my latest obsession. Not only are there adorable dresses but if you prefer a more vintage, retro feel, this is definitely the site for you!

BCBGeneration: www.bcbg.com
BCBG has always been a fan favorite for me for years and years when it comes to finding fabulous dresses. Of course when BCBGeneration launched, it was a total score because the price point makes it a bit easieron the wallet if you can't affore thier signature lines. You can definitely find a great dress for under $150.

Now grab a glass of wine, sit back and wait for the UPS guy to show up with your dress so you can get all dolled up for another three more weeks of holiday parties and NYE soirees! Enjoy!