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Silicon Valley, CA
Just a chic geek living life with authenticity and style!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Things We Leave Behind

Courtesy of Lisa Teling Kattenbraker, Artist

This weekend I hopped on the ferry with my cousin to the Sausalito Art Festival. It was perfect weekend weather to be outdoors at an art festival appreciating art, wine and music. Hoping to be inspired but not exactly sure what to expect, I ended up with much more than what I had bargained for. My mind reveled in the imaginations of Alvin Schnupp, Ted Gale, and Juli Adams. And I delightfully donned hats designed by Diane Harty and Kate Bishop that made me want to doll up for the Kentucky Derby. While I enjoyed the hundred or so artists at the festival, one young batik artist named Lisa Teling Kattenbraker struck me most.

One of her pieces, appropriately titled, "The Things We Leave Behind" got my mental wheels turning about all the transitions we are faced with in our lives. Whether created by our own doing or by forces beyond our control, we are presented with these scenarios whether we want to deal with them or not. In order to grow and develop, we have to be able to change. One of the many lessons to be learned in the process of change is learning to let go of things that no longer serve you well. And rather than knowingly stay in a blissful ignorant state or reverting back to days way gone by, the ambiguity that comes with change can be adventurous, exciting and decadent food for the soul. I mean, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but life doesn't work backwards no matter how much you desperately hold on to your glory days of college or how many surgeries you undergo in an attempt to stop a natural human process.

There is nothing more graceful than coming across a woman who embraces life, exactly where she is in the moment. She exudes a quiet strength and confidence that one could never fake. She knows where she's going because of where she has been and trusts that her instincts will steer her in the right direction. She can look back at the things she's left behind with fondness about the lessons she has learned, loved ones adored and lost, mistakes made and sometimes made again, just for good measure.

Whatever it may be for you that you hold on to that no longer serves you - a romantic partner who doesn't value your worth, a friend who is only there for you when it's convenient or easy, a certain lifestyle that only satisfies a status but leaves you spiritually broke, a job that doesn't challenge you, or a hometown or childhood that keeps you from being able to reinvent yourself...your time is now. There will be no next time, a better time or a maybe later that will be more suitable than today. Hiding from your future is a futile exercise in watching your life just pass you by. Moving on is inevitable and rather than treating your life as if you're running standing still, pick up a pen and start writing the next chapter of your life.


  1. Kim,that speaks directly to my heart. Thank you for the needed inspiration on my journey into catering.

  2. i know that picture! love love love the words of inspiration. next chapter currently in progress...
